* fields are mandatory |
First Name* | |
Last Name* | |
Email Address* |
(input valid email address)
(re-enter to verify) |
Phone Number | (include area code) |
City* | |
Province/Territory* | |
Nature Category - Photo
Submission?* | |
Nature Category - Photo
Location | |
Nature Category - Year
Photo Taken | (year only) |
Nature Category - Image
File Name | Please use following naming format:
category name (your full name).extension. I.E. "Nature (Jane
Doe).jpg" |
Nature Category - Photo
Caption (200 char. max) | |
Cool Japan Category -
Photo Submission?* | |
Cool Japan Category - Photo
Location | |
Cool Japan Category - Year
Photo Taken | (year only) |
Cool Japan Category - Image
File Name | Please use following naming format:
category name (your full name).extension. I.E. "Cool Japan (Jane
Doe).jpg" |
Cool Japan Category - Photo
Caption (200 char. max) | |
Culture, Food & Festivals
Category - Photo
Submission?* | |
Culture, Food & Festivals
Category - Photo Location | |
Culture, Food & Festivals
Category - Year Photo
Taken | (year only) |
Culture, Food & Festivals
Category - Image File
Name | Please use following naming format:
category name (your full name).extension. I.E. "Culture, Food &
Festivals (Jane Doe).jpg" |
Culture, Food & Festivals
Category - Caption (200
char. max) | |
Movement & Sports
Category - Photo
Submission?* | |
Movement & Sports
Category - Photo Location | |
Movement & Sports
Category - Year Photo
Taken | (year only) |
Movement & Sports
Category - Image File
Name | Please use following naming format:
category name (your full name).extension. I.E. "Movement & Sports
(Jane Doe).jpg" |
Movement & Sports
Category - Photo Caption
(200 char. max) | |
Please rate your
satisfation with this event. | |
Please rate your level of
interest in and
understanding of Japan as
a result of this event. | |
Please rate how your
impression of Japan has
changed as a result of this
event. | |
Was this event memorable
for you? | |
Have you participated
in/attended any contests
for events held by the
Consulate-General of
Japan in Calgary in the
last 3 years? | |
* Terms & Conditions of the 2019 Japan Photo Contest
1. By entering this contest you agree to all of the related terms
and conditions and also agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless The
Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary and its representatives, from any
and all third party liability for any injuries, loss, claim, action
demand or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the
contest, including without limitation any third party claim for
copyright infringement of a violation of an individual’s right to
privacy and/or publicity right.
2. Each participant in the contest must have taken their photo
submission(s) themselves and they have the responsibility of ensuring
that they have the right to submit the photo(s). If you choose to
include people in your submitted photo, you are responsible for
obtaining the required releases from the photographed person(s), and
must be able to provide copies of the release to the Consulate-General
of Japan in Calgary upon request.
3. The Consulate-General of Japan assumes no responsibility for any
error, defect or omission, including, but not limited to, typographical
4 . If for any reason the Contest is not capable of being completed
as scheduled, The Consulate-General of Japan reserves the right at its
sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the photo
5. Those submitting images must reside within the jurisdiction of
the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary: Alberta, Saskatchewan,
Manitoba, Northwest Territories, or Nunavut.
6. Images may be taken in either Canada or Japan, relevant to the
theme of each category. Keep in mind one of the purposes of the Contest
is to promote awareness of various aspects of Japan’s culture, as well
as promote the positive relationship between Japan & Canada.
7. Each person is limited to 4 entries in total – one image per
8. Images will not be returned, regardless of format
9. Finalists whose images have been chosen by the judges as winners
agree to grant the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary a royalty-free,
non-exclusive right, in perpetuity, to:
i: Archive the winning contest photos and related information
ii: In connection with the photo contest, utilize and make public the
winning images and their related captions, as well as the name, city,
and province of residence of the photographer (you) on the internet and
in print for the purpose of promotions and other publications.
iii: Provide the submitted image & caption to other organizations and
individuals for non-commercial use, news stories, newsletters, reports,
slide shows, displays, and web pages, including Facebook pages.
iv: Print and display the images and related information at events,
exhibitions, and at the Consulate-General office.
Agree to terms of the
Privacy Policy of the
Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Japan Website.* | |