Official Development Assistance (ODA)

(ODA)Consultation Desk on Fraud and Corruption

In order to prevent fraud and corruption in Official Development Assistance (ODA), we provide a consultation service for information related to fraud and corruption in Japan’s ODA projects.

After receiving the information, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will check it and take necessary measures in an appropriate manner.

The information you submit will be strictly protected, and personal information will never be disclosed in public. Yet, depending on the contents of the consultation, we will take necessary measures, including conferring with the government concerned on the condition that you never have a disadvantage for it. You will be informed of the results of the measures taken based upon your information on fraud and corruption related to Japan’s ODA.

▶Leniency Program
If you are considering the use of the Leniency Program, please refer to the link above.

※Please complete all required items, otherwise your message cannot be sent.

1. Please select your region / country from the following. (Required)


2.Please choose a relevant category from the following.(required)

3.Please describe the details of fraud and corruption. (required)

4.Your name.

5.Your email address. (required)

6.Please describe if there are any supporting documents for the item 3.

7.Please describe if there are any witnesses for the item 3.

8.Please describe if you took any action for the item 3.

9.I have read and agree to terms of the Privacy Policy(English) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Website. (* Required )